KS Infotech

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which KS Infotech. collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from its customers and users of its website (both referred to as a "User").


Users' privacy is very important to KS Infotech. KS Infotech. is committed to safeguarding the information Users entrust to KS Infotech Inc. This Web site is not directed at children under 13 years of age

The Information We Collect

KS Infotech. may collect various types of personally-identifiable information including name, address, telephone number, credit card number or other billing information, e-mail address, and other information that, either alone or in combination with other kinds of information, may personally identify Users. KS Infotech Inc. may collect personally identifiable information from Users in a variety of ways, including through online forms for ordering products and services, general sales and information inquiries and other instances where Users are invited to volunteer such information. KS Infotech. may also collect information about how Users use our Web site, for example, by tracking the number of unique views received by the pages of the Web site or the domains from which Users originate. We may use "cookies" to track how Users use our Web site. A cookie is a piece of software that a Web server can store on the Users' PC and use to identify the User should they visit the Web site again. While not all of the information that we collect from Users is personally identifiable, it may be associated with personally identifiable information that Users provide us through our Web site.

How We Use Information

KS Infotech. may use personally identifiable information collected through our Web site to contact Users regarding products and services offered by KS Infotech. and its trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners, and otherwise to enhance Users' experience with KS Infotech. and such affiliates, independent contractors and business partners. KS Infotech. may also use information collected through our Web site for research regarding the effectiveness of the Web site and the marketing, advertising and sales efforts of KS Infotech. its trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners.

Disclosure of Information

KS Infotech. may disclose information collected from Users to trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners who will use the information for the purposes outlined above. We may also disclose aggregate, anonymous data based on information collected from Users to investors and potential partners. Finally, we may transfer information collected from Users in connection with a sale of KS Infotech. business.

Maintenance of Information

Information about Users that is maintained on our systems is protected using industry standard security measures. However, we cannot guarantee that the information submitted to, maintained on, or transmitted from our systems will be completely secure.

Questions Users may direct questions concerning this Privacy Policy by email to ksadmin@ks-infotech.com

KS Infotech. may modify this privacy policy at any time without prior notice to KS Infotech Inc., Customers or the public. Persons wishing to remain appraised of KS Infotech.'s privacy policy should check this page for occasional updates.

Users may elect not to receive solicitations from KS Infotech. or from trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners by completing the opt-out request form.